Business Services

Post investment, our involvement model is built around troubleshooting and building best practices at our investee businesses. It’s about letting people do what they do best and continuing to improve upon it along the way.

Not all private equity funds have the same approach, nor do they have similar operating philosophies regarding investments. Some are decidedly hands off, while others roll up their sleeves and get involved. TOM can be either. We respect the autonomy of investee businesses, but are ready and willing to help.

TOM has assembled an internal team with strengths in (for example) financial management, law, tax, human resources, acquisitions, insurance and risk management. What some businesses have to handle every few years, our people work with every day, allowing us to keep abreast of legal, tax, insurance and investment industry trends and developments. Our team becomes their team, at a tremendous saving of cost, time and hassle. Our knowledge becomes their knowledge. When invited into a business, our team can really make a positive difference.

Many smaller and mid size businesses don’t have the internal “critical mass” to support the overheads of a full time legal department, risk manager, etc. When non-routine situations arise, it can be extremely distracting to management. Out-sourcing may be an alternative, but can be very expensive and impersonal. Core institutional knowledge over crucial functions is handed to outsiders. TOM Capital offers “inside outsourcing”. For example, for a legal issue, we may work our team of counsel into their team of counsel (at great cost savings relative to outside firms), and thus grow our inter-institutional knowledge – the key to strategic management. Free from non-routine burdens, management can apply themselves to what they do best. They can focus on building their businesses – doing what they are passionate about – with amazing results. This “inside outsourcing” has contributed towards an outstanding tangible track record of success with our investee businesses.

Good relationships are based on trust, excellent communication, a positive winning attitude and the long-term mutual growth of both parties. TOM can provide not just money, not just attitude … but actual help and assistance.


The below businesses make up the wide and varied circle of core companies that TOM is proud to be associated with. When our businesses grow, we grow.

Click on any of the below logos for a link to check out these great businesses.